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It should be discharged as it has been off for a week (EDIT: apparently it could not be discharged :Ohno: ), but I was thinking to just keep myself away from it the most I can
Italy :)
EDIT: Do you think it is still better to discharge the thing? I've seen that there are 2 main opinions: 1) don't touch it at all and keep yourself away from HV 2) discharge in all cases
And to discharge (that actually seems to be the best way.. ) did you use the clip on the other side of the tube as ground?
det, mich würde trotzdem ein Foto des "schlechten" Bildes mit der Videostufe interessieren. Wenn man ein 1V-Signal auf den typischen Pegel hinter dem Demodulator von ca. 3V bringen will, ist die Basis-Schaltung besser geeignet, weil dann die Grenzfrequenz des Transistors nicht so eine Rolle spielt wie bei der Emitterschaltung und aufgrund der niedrigen Impedanzen des Videosignals von ca. 75 Ohm. Wenn also das Bild mit dem gezeigten Videoverstärker "matschig" aussieht, könnte es daran liegen.
Ich empfehle da entweder einen kleinen AV-IC zu verwenden oder eben die Basisschaltung vom AV-Modul z.B. eines RFT-Fernsehers.
Diese kleinen russischen Fernseher können normalerweise ein recht schönes Bild übertragen, die Bildröhre ist sehr scharf und hat gute Gradation.
durch meine schreibfaule Art ist ein Mißverständnis aufgekommen. Ich meinte die Bildqualität meines alten Handys NICHT die des TELE Star. Sie könnte ein falschen Eindruck erwecken! Deshalb hatte ich kein Bild vom Bildschirm gepostet. Das Bild vom TELE Star ist brilliant.
Hi Alessandro.
I think:
I don't know what you know: Do you have electrical KNOWHOW? 1) keep yourself away from HV
It's only a question of safety!
Check your "prototype" only in assembled TV!
Be careful! Keep your hands off the HV-area if power is on! Don't touch red marked areas, because that's the dangerous High Voltage areas!
Yes, were plugged but had two points of solder to keep them steady on the motherboard.
Anyway, I created the new board and installed it, not yet turned on Had to use 5K and 5 trimmers should be the same right? (as they are "user-configured")
Hello Det, What do you see when no input is connected? I think i am missing something maybe the 5K and 5 trimmers are messing or I just need to configura the trimmers?
At me moment to see something I need to push the luminosity near to the max (it grows turning left right?) and it just flickers with some lines
EDIT: using the vertical and horizontal trimmer I was able to get a steady picture but my module is not working :/ I noticed that in the "customized diagram" P2 and C1 are inverted (with respect to the Elektor diagram). Tomorrow sill try to apply this modifications and see if it works
PLEASE use Pin 1 on your board to oriented PIN 1 on the mainboard! Is the "E" at Pin 1? Then you have your print wrong connected. The distance from pin to pin is 5.04mm! (2/10")
Yes! At first, you must configure the "working-point" with P2.
C1 was inverted (I followed the Elektor scheme instead of yours) and I skipped a pin when inserting the board :D
Now I get the picture but it's not centered and flickers a lot! I've been playing with the trimmers, boh the one on the new board and the ones on the tv but it is giving hard time : Rage: