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Wumpus-Gollum-Forum von "Welt der Radios".
Fachforum für Sammler, Interessierte, Bastler
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Alexanderson Tag 22
18.06.22 11:40

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 3

18.06.22 11:40

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 3

Alexanderson Tag 22

Ich habe eben ne Mail erhalten.
Eine richtige Aussendung wird es dieses jahr nicht geben.


Die Realität, entspricht nicht meinem Naturell.

Noch gefällt der Beitrag keinem Nutzer.
!!! Fotos, Grafiken nur über die Upload-Option des Forums, KEINE FREMD-LINKS auf externe Fotos.    

!!! Keine Komplett-Schaltbilder, keine Fotos, keine Grafiken, auf denen Urheberrechte Anderer (auch WEB-Seiten oder Foren) liegen!
Solche Uploads werden wegen der Rechtslage kommentarlos gelöscht!

Keine Fotos, auf denen Personen erkennbar sind, ohne deren schriftliche Zustimmung.
19.06.22 10:03


19.06.22 10:03


Re: Alexanderson Tag 22

Hallo zusammen,

die gleiche Information wurde hier schon an anderer Stelle gegeben. Auch in dem heute an Mitglieder versendeten Rundbrief (schwedisch, englisch) wird der gleiche Wortlaut und keine weiteren Informationen gegeben. Meine Mutmassung möchte ich an dieser Stelle nicht wiederholen, obwohl sich an meiner Einschätzung nichts geändert hat.

Immerhin verspricht SAQ in den beiden folgenden U-tube Auftritten interessante, weitere technische Einzelheiten.


19.06.22 10:28


19.06.22 10:28


Re: Alexanderson Tag 22

Könntet ihr den Wortlaut hier posten?
Ich habe die Mailingliste nicht abonniert, es würde mich aber trotzdem interessieren.

19.06.22 12:46


19.06.22 12:46


Re: Alexanderson Tag 22

** SAQ unable to air
on Alexanderson Day July 3rd, 2022

Welcome to World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station on Alexanderson Day 2022

Due to difficulties in obtaining components in the ongoing maintenance work, the 98 year old 200kW Alexanderson alternator will not be able to air on Alexanderson Day.

The Alexander Association welcomes all visitors to Alexanderson Day, Sunday, July 3rd 2022, 10:00-16:00. After the pandemic restrictions of the last two years, we are happy to welcome all visitors again. Together with the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station, we will offer many activities, for the whole family, during the day.

We will make two transmitter startups with SAQ, but this year without any transmission over the antenna due to difficulties in obtaining components in the ongoing maintenance work.

Live Video from World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station
Both transmitter startups can be seen live on our YouTube Channel (https://alexander.us1.list-manage.com/tr...mp;e=2a2c9e2e48) or by following the links below. This year we will give a more in depth technical presentation of the Alexanderson alternator during the startups.

Here is the program, subject to change (All times are CEST):
10:10 Start live broadcast.
Live Video Stream of transmitter startup, scheduled at 10:10 CEST on Jul 3rd, 2022

10:30 Start-up of Alternator. 11:00 Telegraphing of a message.
11:15 Guided antenna walk (Swedish)
11:45 Lecture and movie in the transmitter hall (Swedish)
13:10 Start live broadcast.
Live Video Stream of transmitter startup, scheduled at 13:10 CEST on Jul 3rd, 2022

13:30 Start-up of Alternator. 14:00 Telegraphing of a message.
14:15 Guided antenna walk (English)
14:40 Lecture and movie in the transmitter hall (English)

In addition to these program items, lots of other activities are offered throughout the day, including:
* The exhibition, where you can test your Morse skills, among other things.
* The control, an obstacle course for all climbers, where there are different tasks to solve.
* Operation Palmqvist, an escape room that takes place on Grimeton Radio Station during World War II.
* Kjells café, with good coffee.
* The radio shop, the world heritage well-stocked souvenir shop.

Please see grimeton.org for activity details.

During the day, our amateur radio station SK6SAQ will also be staffed and be QRV on the following frequencies
– 3,535 kHz CW
– 7,035 kHz CW
– 14.035 KHz CW
– 3.755 kHz SSB
– 7,140 kHz SSB
QSL-reports to SK6SAQ are kindly received via:
- Email to info@alexander.n.se (mailto:info@alexander.n.se)
- or via: SM bureau
- or direct by postal mail (link to address here (https://alexander.us1.list-manage.com/tr...mp;e=2a2c9e2e48) )

Two stations will be on the air most of the time.

Not a member yet? Then it's time to join the Alexander team!

We welcome you as a member of the Alexander Grimeton Friendship Association, to support our non-profit activities in preserving, documenting and bringing to life the unique Alexanderson alternator from 1924.

As a member You get a 10% discount on World Heritage Grimeton's entry, shop and activities, and free admission to Alexander's evening displays and to the Alexanderson Day, upon presentation of your membership card. Four times per year, you will receive our online magazine “Alternatorn”, exclusively available only to our members.

Alexander members also have free admission to the Radio Museum in Gothenburg.
Membership costs SEK 125 / year.
Apply For Membership Now! (https://alexander.us1.list-manage.com/tr...mp;e=2a2c9e2e48)


Gruß in die Runde

19.06.22 13:14


19.06.22 13:14


Re: Alexanderson Tag 22

Danke für die Info.

We will make two transmitter startups with SAQ, but this year without any transmission over the antenna due to difficulties in obtaining components in the ongoing maintenance work.
Das bedeutet, es gibt technische Probleme, oder hat es einen anderen Grund, dass die ihre Teile nicht bekommen?

presentation   Einschätzung   activities   interessieren   Alexanderson   exanderson-day   e=2a2c9e2e48   Einzelheiten   Grimeton   difficulties   Telegraphing   transmission   list-manage   maintenance   alexander   “Alternatorn”   alternator   Informationen   transmitter   saq-unable-to-