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Question about DKE38 cabinet
10.12.20 13:57


10.12.20 13:57


Question about DKE38 cabinet

Hallo, i wonder if the cabinet of the DKE38 is exactly the same for all the manufactures or there are little or very little differences.

Are these cabinets made by each manufacturer or there was only one factory does buit the cabinets to all brands? I know after the war brands like Siemens built his own cabinets with his name instead of the eagle, but i am not sure what was happening during the war.

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11.12.20 11:18


11.12.20 11:18


Re: Question about DKE38 cabinet

Hello Aitor,

you will find the answers of most of your questions related to the DKE38 variants on my volksempfanger web site (but o ly in german, sorry). Use a online translater.

There is also a list of manufactures of different models. The differences are a result of the production years. Later versions are a result of shortage of materials.


Grüße von Haus zu Haus
Rainer, DC7BJ (Forumbetreiber)

Welt der alten Radios:


Virtuelle Voxhaus-Gedenktafel:

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11.12.20 11:37


11.12.20 11:37


Re: Question about DKE38 cabinet

hallo, yes, i ave read your web many times, but i am speaking about t he cabinet, onñy the cabinet, i wonder if all the cabinets are exactly the same and if they are made by the same manufacturer or by each brand.

11.12.20 12:56


11.12.20 12:56


Re: Question about DKE38 cabinet

Hello Aitor (?),

your question is difficult to answer without knowing the reason for it.
All these cabinets are the same with little differences in labels etc.
But all chassis from different producers fit into any cabinet. It is the
same with the rear panels.

Myself, I own two DKE38:

Hornyphon App.Nr. 181221, Cabinet Nr. 0361, Rear panel from SABA-Radio
Telefunken App.Nr. VM230034t, Cabinet ??, Rear panel from Radiofabrik INGELEN

People knowing the answer are already > 90 years old.


11.12.20 15:18


11.12.20 15:18


Re: Question about DKE38 cabinet

Hello Aitor,

here a online (horror) translation of a part of my Volksempfanger page related to the DKE variants (including cabinet):

Preliminary remark on the DKE model variants: DKE 38/1940, DKE 38 GW/2, DKE 38/1943, DKE 38 GW II, DKE 50.

These model names are officially not found on the devices. These models are basically after only results of the war-related saving measures and after 1939 the increasing material scarcity. It was probably the case that the schematic provider publishers created model name variants for themselves in order to be able to detect the shifting changes introduced in a creeping manner.

However, the bakelite cabinets remained roughly the same over the aforementioned model variants, but there were different brands in front of the round boxes at the front side. DKEs in wooden housing were craftsmanship and / or post-war productions. Later variants (after 1939) no longer had the addition "1938" on the back cover.

There were also differences in the back covers, so one finds these inscriptions (mostly with manufacturer's addition): Deutscher Kleinenpfanger 1938 GW 110, Deutscher Kleinempfanger GW 110. Also exceptions, such as 'Siemens' Kleinempfanger recipients (post-war production?). There were also back covers with 5 and 3 screw recesses.

It should also be borne in mind that due to the wartime material shortage there have been deviations in the built-in chassis and its components. Furthermore, it could happen that not all companies involved in the Community recipients remained involved in the productions or made changes to the chassis fitting before/later.

Importantly! The schematic specifications of the model variants must be enjoyed with caution. There have been mixed forms, some publishing circuit diagrams are incorrect.

Grüße von Haus zu Haus
Rainer, DC7BJ (Forumbetreiber)

Welt der alten Radios:


Virtuelle Voxhaus-Gedenktafel:

Wumpus bei youtube:

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 11.12.20 15:24

11.12.20 18:07


11.12.20 18:07


Re: Question about DKE38 cabinet

Thanks!! to both

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