Looking for a photo of original components position on DKE38 Roland Brandt |
02.12.20 12:26
WoHo  WGF-Premiumnutzer
02.12.20 12:26
WoHo  WGF-Premiumnutzer
Re: Looking for a photo of original components position on DKE38 Roland Brandt
Dear Aitor
For detailed pictures of the DKE 38 you will find a lot on Google! Just search for DKE 38 and look at the images.
As you know, all DKE 38 's are made the same way, regardless the manufacturer!
EDIT: That is not entirely true! During the war, they left out the choke and modified the HV circuitry due to shortage of copper...
Gruß aus NL, Wolfgang
Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.12.20 13:20
02.12.20 16:21
Aitor  WGF-Einsteiger
02.12.20 16:21
Aitor  WGF-Einsteiger
Re: Looking for a photo of original components position on DKE38 Roland Brandt
Hello, i have noticed different brands on resistors and different color of them (green or red for example) and connected to the same way as the electrical diagram but the components are situated in different ways, Roland Brandt components are not the same brand as Braun for example
Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.12.20 19:28
02.12.20 16:29
WoHo  WGF-Premiumnutzer
02.12.20 16:29
WoHo  WGF-Premiumnutzer
Re: Looking for a photo of original components position on DKE38 Roland Brandt
Important are the electrical values of the components, not the actual colors, nor the location...
Gruß aus NL, Wolfgang
02.12.20 16:47
Aitor  WGF-Einsteiger
02.12.20 16:47
Aitor  WGF-Einsteiger
Re: Looking for a photo of original components position on DKE38 Roland Brandt
Yes, every dke is made same way, but i think, the exact position and brand (no electrical value) of each component is different depending of the manufacturer, that is the reason i was looking for a photo of a original Roland Brandt chasis
02.12.20 17:38
WoHo  WGF-Premiumnutzer
02.12.20 17:38
WoHo  WGF-Premiumnutzer
Re: Looking for a photo of original components position on DKE38 Roland Brandt
Ok Aitor
I didn't realize that you are focussed on that particular manufacturer "Roland Brandt" Keep searching.....
Gruß aus NL, Wolfgang
Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.12.20 17:39
02.12.20 19:27
Aitor  WGF-Einsteiger
02.12.20 19:27
Aitor  WGF-Einsteiger
Re: Looking for a photo of original components position on DKE38 Roland Brandt
Yes, i hop to find it soon
Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.12.20 19:27