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Kanadier braucht Hilfe für Philips PM 3230
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06.01.24 02:18


06.01.24 02:18


Re: Kanadier braucht Hilfe für Philips PM 3230

Hi everyone, I am back with more pictures and questions

I managed to clean up the front panel with some alcohol. I need to modify a hex nut socket so I can remove the big collet knobs, and figure out how to remove the deeper yellow staining.

I also noticed this neon bulb that isn't working properly. I tried gently pulling and it wouldn't come out. Are these plastic sleeves sockets, like for tubes, or do I need to desolder it? I have never seen them before...

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06.01.24 08:47


06.01.24 08:47


Re: Kanadier braucht Hilfe für Philips PM 3230

you have a fried resistor there beside the fuse.
There must be a problem what enhance the current there to destroy it.
This is mostly a defect electrolytic there.

Your next to do will be:
swap the bad resistor to a working one
check the electrolytics there for bad isolation (current while loaded)
Look again to your neon bulb when it`s done :-)


06.01.24 09:51


06.01.24 09:51


Re: Kanadier braucht Hilfe für Philips PM 3230

Hi Donny,

happy new year to you!
To much current is loaded on the +180V path.
The glow stabilizer ZZ1000 is soldered in.



Click on the pictures for sharper view!

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 06.01.24 10:02

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ZZ1000 Valvo.jpg ZZ1000 Valvo.jpg (61x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 442 kB

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