Today i received two Mikrohets and an original handbook - (12 A4 sheets) - or 13 bcse the schematic is updated wid xx1962. I think - the marker oszillator is an additional - not standard. So it may be, that it is not included. Tomorrow i'll see what kind of Mikrohets I've got. Its like the day b4 xmas..hi. In the meantime i've scanned the handbook sheets and made a PDF....if there is a need for someone. Hope that i can receive some sigs wid both exemplares tomorrow. tha last one owner described, that both receivers worked fine b4 he send it frm munic to cologne. - As i was a teen and SWL i didn't had the money for it, now at age of 60 wid this radio my youth will came back..hi
Hello! how did you come across so many Mikrohets? If you have one that operates I would very much like to purchase it! I have one, but sadly some "fixed" it and it no longer receives, however the amplifier seems to work (loud controllable hiss from speaker. Are these receivers also rare in Germany? Let me know, viel danke!
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Hello Frank, the older one wid the lower ser.-no, worked and i've given them to a good friend, SWL - he was looking for mni, mini years for a Mikrohet in working condx. the second one receives but wid-out bfo wrkg. In the meantim i've got another one - also wid the same failure. Had contacts wid other owners and one gave some hints. renew all the .1uF "bonbons" and looking for the 150V stabi. frm that the BFO-OC-Transitor shall get his voltage. And another old friend send me one complete tube set. so i think the chance is great to get one in gd working condx. but at this time i'am still working at my QTH and for the new shack. the mikrohet must wait to the time when the new shack is finished. When i'am experienced enough and the second one will also work fine, than may be also a chance that i can give them away. but that will be written in the stars...hi - sri
Hi! I replaced all the old brownie caps, I got b+ where is should, and the audio now produces a rush increasing with volume control. But no signals received. I put signal generator on antenna terminal, nothing out. If I place after RF detector, I hear signal in speaker. The RF stage (or IF) is a problem. Do you know of anyone who can assist me in the states? Is it worth mailing to you for repair in the future? I know very heavy, but by sea-mail not too bad, just slow. Let me know. Also, any additional documentation on the receiver is appreciated. MFG, Frank
Hello Frank, for the next month i can say, that i've definitly no time. When i've one of mine working well, than can we talk abt more help. I think than i've also more experience. U may send me ur email at XXX, - I'll look what i've here on my new laptop and will send all files to u. 73 Juergen
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Hello Mikrohet collectors! I was able to locate an amateur radio engineer to repair my Mikrohet. ECF80 was intermittent, and two broken connections in BFO circuit. It works now, but I am a little confused in operation. What do each of the controls do? I receive signals, but drift and seem "tinny"?
here the translation of the inscription controls in German:
Bandbreite = bandwidth Störpegel = noise level (Noise limitter) Fr-Korrektor = frequency fine adjustment ALR = automatic rf gain on / off H.F. = rf gain (radio frequency gain) N.F. = af (audio frequency volume) Überlagerer = BFO Frequenz (BFO) = frequency Amplitude (BFO) = BFO Level Aus (N.F knob) = off (mains power)
The knob in the right lower corner: rf antenna fine adjustment in relation to the used band and frequency. This knob is important for good operation and best selection.
ich hole diesen Beitrag mal wieder "nach oben", weil ich mir nun auch einen Funke-Mikrohet an Land gezogen habe. Meine Absicht ist eine möglichst originale Funktionalität wieder herzustellen. Ein Problem könnten die FT241 Quarze werden.
Da mir als Teenager die WIMA Malzbonbons schon um die Ohren geflogen sind, kommen die noch vor dem ersten Einschalten raus. Braune "Chinakracher" 630V stehen schon bereit.
Leider sind schon sehr viele OMs aus dieser Zeit nicht mehr unter uns, aber ich versuche trotzdem einmal folgende Fragen an die WGF-Gemeinde zu richten:
- Wie viele Mikrohets hat Funke verkauft? Mehr als 200? - Ist es zu einem Verkauf des Mikro-TX über den Prototyp hinaus gekommen? - Gibt es Schaltbilder zu diesem Prototyp?
Der Mikrohet ist das Standartgerät Nr. 6 des Technischen DARC-Referats,
- Gibt es eine Auflistung aller Standartgeräte?
Bemerkenswert sind Parallelen im Quarzfilter-Design beim Elecraft K2 knapp 40 Jahre später.
Ihave never seen a transmitter from DARC. I still have my Mikrohet, and is the jewel of all Hamfests I go to in USA. I just had to replace the electrolytic capacitor and all tubular capacitors. It still receives well! I wish you success in finding a schematic of your transmitter. Can you post some pictures of it?