Ich muss den Widerstand und das impeadance vom Primär- und das seconday kennen, um den Transformator zu rückspulen.
Brad Heggeseth USA
I am trying to rewind the interstage transformer for the VE301W and would like to know if anyone knows what the correct ratings are for this transformer? The schematics only show it is a 1:4. I am measuring 496 ohms on the primary and my secondary is open. On a second interstage transformer that I have I am measuring 519 ohms on the primary and 4980 ohms on the secondary. Any help would be appreciated. I don’t understand German and am trying to use an online translator.
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additional there are many information about oldtime German radio sets (including Volksempfangers VE301W) on this site in English: http://www.oldradioworld.de