I now have cleaned and inspected this radio. WOW! What a set! Easy to disassemble and work on,all components easy to reach.My only problems...FM(UKW)will operate only momentarily then fades away.SW(KW)is receiving,but I only hear a click(snap) as I go across a station.I believe that I have not yet connected the antenna correctly. The AM(MW) is receiving excellent. The audio on this set is AWESOME!! It seems like I have infinite adjustments for audio and I am impressed by this.If possible,would anyone have repair tips for these 2 problems that I have listed. Thank you
Beitragsbewertung / Message valuation:
RE: Grundig Model 6099 , 16 Aug. 2005 20:35
Hello Steve, yes this is a fine set. Now to the FM problems.
At first some questions: FM fades down and comes not back or comes back from time to time? When you change the band to AM and return again to FM band, the reception is ok and drops down again. How long you have to wait for fade out?
Looking for your relpy. Perhaps I have than more questions.
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