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this appears to me as if someone "retuned" the radio in order to receive non-public radio services like e.g. fire fighters, medical emergency or police (which is strictly forbidden!). In former times these services were allocated in Germany to frequencies near&below the lower end of the FM-Broadcast Band (87,5MHz).
As soon as I have the opportunity to have a closer look to my "Derby", I'll take some pics together with information for you how to rectify the problem with your set. So - "please, stay tuned..."
Derby beispielsweise auf 92 MHz stellen, Frequenzzähler/Hilfsradio auf 102.7 MHz. Unterhalb der Tunerabdeckung findest Du oben markierte "Abgleichspunkte" -> Versuche doch mal C914 vorsichtig (aktuelle Stellung merken/markieren) dahin zu drehen, dass im Hilfradio der Oszillator hörbar wird. Sind danach alle Sender an Ihrem Platz?
Important note: Alignment must be done with the aluminum-cover correctly installed! Hope this together with Ronn's schematic will help you to fix the problem
Hi ronn/roehrenfreak many thx! doing a great job! l922 und l923 sind sealed, so c914 schiebt oscillator richtig auf anzeige. fm ist nun correct. beste dank ihr seit groseartig!!!