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Philips K6 type?
04.10.09 22:58


04.10.09 22:58


Philips K6 type?

Hello everyone!

I'm Roland Huisman from Holland. My German isn't really good.
I can understand German it if I read it carefully, but writing is dramatically

I was searching for an Philips X25K121/05 color television and I found it...

But an old man gave me also his old German K6 television. It's pretty
much the same as the one I was looking for. But there are some differences.
Unforunally the man has cleaned the TV with compressed air so the
type and serial numbers are gone. I can't find any type ont the chassis.
The CRT has been replaced so there is also no type on it...

The channel selection does differ from the two types.
The X25K121 has a rotating bar for VHF and UHF
The german type had all three standing next to each other

De duch TV has 2 switches. One for on/off the other for Black/White
The german type has just one switch...

Also the convergentionbox is mounted in a different way...
And the tuner is an different one.

Can anyone tell me what's the type of the German TV?
Ik think is has to be an D25K760 or D25K761 but ïm not sure...

Thanks in advance! Roland

1 X25K121 -05.JPG 1 X25K121 -05.JPG (818x)

Mime-Type: image/pjpeg, 80 kB

2 D25K760.JPG 2 D25K760.JPG (450x)

Mime-Type: image/pjpeg, 90 kB

3 kanalenkiezer verschillen.JPG 3 kanalenkiezer verschillen.JPG (479x)

Mime-Type: image/pjpeg, 128 kB

4 Convergentie + kanalenkiezer.JPG 4 Convergentie + kanalenkiezer.JPG (504x)

Mime-Type: image/pjpeg, 133 kB

5 schakelaars.JPG 5 schakelaars.JPG (437x)

Mime-Type: image/pjpeg, 49 kB

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05.10.09 09:08

nicht registriert

05.10.09 09:08

nicht registriert

Re: Philips K6 type? (English text)

Hello Roland,
my K6 looks similar to yours.
CRT is a A63-11X

Kind regards,

05.10.09 13:01

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 2

05.10.09 13:01

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 2

Re: Philips K6 type?

Hoi Roland,
Mijn nederlands is een betje goed, heb vroeger de heele dag Hilversum-3 geluistert en AVRO`s TOP POP/Nederland Musiekland gekijken ,
maar met het schrijven heb ik mijn problemtjes...........
Deze verschrijnsel zie je altijd als jou Philips (TV)-toestellen van verschillende landen nader bekijkt, bij voorbeeld
knoppen zijn verschillen en die kastjes zijn ook niet het zelfde.
Vaak zijn die chassis naar het buitenland gestuurt en daar ingebouwd worden.
Naturlik speeld die smaak van het land ook een grote roll.
Heb speciaale ervaringen met oude zwaart/witt toestellen.


Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand,
wer ist der größte Cleopatra, Marayah & Tessa Fan im ganzen Land?
Du Fernseheumel aus Westdeutschland!

05.10.09 13:03


05.10.09 13:03


Re: Philips K6 type?

Hello Darius!

I've seen your posting where you are testing the CRT
So yours is an D25K761/06. Does your TV also have just one switch?

The original tube is an A63-11X. But this one is replaced by an A63-120X.
These tubes are much better than te A63-11X. Each gun does 800uA after years...

For the dutch K6 (X25K121/05) I have a K7 donor tube waiting. (Also a A63-120X)
The dutch tube is not really good... But I will let the TV play first for a few days.
Some CRT's get lazy when they are not used for several years...

Greetings, Roland

05.10.09 15:25

nicht registriert

05.10.09 15:25

nicht registriert

Re: Philips K6 type?

Hello Roland,
yes, my TV has just one switch.

Kind regards,

05.10.09 20:03


05.10.09 20:03


Re: Philips K6 type?

@ Darius
Nice, I think may number guess was right then!
Did you already test yours? These loptys are very sensitive
for moisture unfortunally... Mostly the HV coil goes bad.
It is possible to use a K7 HV coil on the K6 transformer.

@ Fernseheumel

Leuk om iemand te treffen op een buitenlands forum die
Nederlands spreekt en schrijft!

Er zitten vaak meer verschillen in inderdaad. Philips gebruikt
Valvo buizen in plaats van Philips buizen in duitse toestellen.
En je ziet vaak Wima condensatoren in duitse Philips toestellen.

En het is best leuk om verschillende toestellen uit de verschillende landen te zien

Groeten, Roland

06.10.09 12:31

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 2

06.10.09 12:31

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 2

Re: Philips K6 type?

Hoy Roland,
Valvo is het naam van die duitse dochter van Philips, engelse Philips lampen heeten Mullard, franze woorden Dario genoemt.
In Sweden hebben Philips toestellen vaak die naam DUX, in Frankrijk heten Philips toestellen ook Radiola.
Maar RADIOLA heeft nix te maken met Radiola-USA, Radiola-Australie of Radiola Sweden.

Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand,
wer ist der größte Cleopatra, Marayah & Tessa Fan im ganzen Land?
Du Fernseheumel aus Westdeutschland!

09.10.09 22:42

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 3

09.10.09 22:42

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 3

Re: Philips K6 type?

Hello Roland, und n'Abend zusammen,

the thing with the K6s is not that difficult: D25K760 was the first german Philips color TV, called GOYA, from 1967 with two buttons and the 761, also named Goya, is the same without the second pushbutton for color switch.

By the way, there was also a swiss version called MEDIATOR K769, with two buttons, a different speaker grille (horizontally striped) and a dark grey (nearly black) picture mask. I own it. Philips was active in many countries...
Greetings from the


16.10.09 16:15


16.10.09 16:15


Re: Philips K6 type?

Hello Klarzeichner!

Thanks for your information! I can't find anything about your MEDIATOR K769.
Maybe you can place a picture? I'm very curious :-)

Greetings, Roland

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