information about the forum and how to handle and how to translate. This forum is for guests and registered users with interest in German and European old-time (vintage) radio sets or related themes like crystal receivers (crystal sets) or German wireless. NEW: You can select your language as system language. Click in the upper right corner of the screen on "Sprache auswählen". You can select to English, Spanish, Portuguese or Swedish. Unfortunately not all messages are translated in other languages, sorry. perhaps these notes helps to understand the system messages and terms. You can send messages and questions or remarks in English, but not in other languages!. At best you print out these notes. Themes - Rules - FAQ - Translated terms - Symbols - Collectors Price Guide These themes (topics) are at
present in use and stored in subforums:
Rules (Summary of the rules in German) All tips, hints, notes in the forum are without guarantee. A liability for the damages which could originate from observance of these tips is excluded! Take notice of these safety notes(sorry, only in German) ! Send only photos with your copyright. Registration: Register yourselves only if you agree with the forum rules. The registration is charge free. The registration is only needed to prevent the forum aginst spam attacks. Your user name become visible after your first login, so no chances for spammers. You need a real existing email address, because you receive after registration an email with your password. Send only messages to this forum, when you accept these here listed rules. Not accepted messages: #1 Links to other commercial sites or forums or "only free for members groups" or internet auctions . Do not link to your online auction bids, no ebay numbers! #2 No commercial "Suchanfragen..." (looking for information, sets, schematics and so on) or "Angebote zum Verkauf, Tausch oder Schenken" (want to sell, swap, give away.)" offers. No liability for via forum inititated businesses. #3 Running time of content is over or in subforum 'I am looking for...' the request is older as 3 months. #4 Complete schematics and circuit diagrams. #5 Unsuitable, dirty, insulting entries or not with the general theme of this forum corresponding messages or answers. #6 Names and adresses and email addresses and ebay-alias names of other persons as the message author and ebay auction numbers. Newsletters: Registered users maybe receive from time to time a newsletter only with no commercial content. When you are not interested, switch of this feature in 'my profile'. #7 Requests for ordered goods in external commercial online shops. #8 Uploading photos with no copyright by you. Data protection: Guest: Attend the forum as a guest
and send no messages, no person related data (dates) get recognizable
and consequently not storable. Registered user: After registration,
your person related data (name or alias name) are stored and also forum-public,
under exception of the email-address. Please consider if you have registered
yourselves, you can invest a profile of yourselves which is made to
other users of the forum public. All by you stored data become public.
Profile by you are canceled after erase your account in this forum are
deleted immediately. But your registered forum name, email address and
IP-address are stored permanent, State person related data from free
pieces in a contribution in the forum even (e.g., name, email-Adresse,
Internet page, addresses, these data with it for guests and registered
users get public. If you want to reply to a message, you can arrange
on logging in any time yourselves. Advertising Spam and offense against
the forum rules should be prevented by the registration with email-storing.
When you cancel your registration (account) in this forum, your messages
are stored also permanent. Your data are safy. I myself store no other
person related data about you and do not transmit the data to others.
When you have canceled your registration, your messages will be not
canceled. But you can erase your own messages before you cancel you
account. The forum-database ist stored as backup for one year. Direct
data security inquiries, please, directly to
How to register? You can read messages as a guest. When you will send messages (threads) and will answer to other messages you have to register. With a fake email address you have no chance to complete the registration. Fill in in the registering form your first name (not the surname) or a n alias name and your email-address. At first you have to confirm the forum rules. After submit you receive as soon as possible an automatic email with the temporary password. The subject of this email: "Wumpus-Gollum-Forum (Old radios and crystal sets) ". Now you can login into the forum. In "My profile" you can change the temporary password and complete your profile. Problems with registering? Perhaps another user has 'your' alias name already in use. In this case you see after submit this message: "Der Benutzername ist ungültig oder schon registriert. (User name not valid or already in use). What is to do? Take a look on the 'Ranking' of the forum-users. You find there all used names. Use another name. Note: Names have to use 3-20 characters (a-Z 0-9 -_.,:) You will find in the registration form a code verifying section: Fill in the characters and numbers you see on the little graphic. How to send a message (theme, new thread) or answer to a other message? You will find the button for a new message in each subforum (in German "neues Thema"). You can reply to a message in 2 ways. Left of the message ist a little button called "Antwort schreiben". That means "Reply with a quota". Under the message you find a answer form (except quota). After fill in your information click on "absenden" (submit). How to upload photos / images? When you add an message (thread) to this forum or reply to a other message you can upload photos in JPG or GIF format, but only max. 350 kB each.. You will find under the message form an upload section (Datei hochladen). Click on the button "Durchsuchen" (search for) and select the photo on your local hard disk. Now click on "Hochladen" (Upload). At last you have to click on "Absenden" (submit). Now your photo is stored as an attachement to your thread in the forum. Please upload only photos with your copyright! How to handle emails via the forum software to other users and how to reply? You can receive emails by the forum and by other users when... you have registered yourselve you have enabled the forum email confirmation service in case of a reply to a message by you. the administrator of this forum send a round letter a forum user sends you via the forum email function directly an email. Please take notice. You can ony answer to such email, when the sender has placed his email address as a part of the message. In the subject of any email by the forum is stored always: " Wumpus Gollum forum". Therefore, can not be recognized by the heading which of the above listed four email-Variants it concerns. In any case, you cannot reply directly to it!!! (Data protection). So please always read over this emails from the forum. If you want to send somebody a reply, e.g., on a searching inquiry and have direct a response, you must place in this e-mail explicitly your email-Adresse in the text. What sizes of avatar photos accepted? You can send photos with max. 110*110 pixels and / or max. 50 kByte. Larger photos become not visible. You don't need not more a link to a internet site. You can store the avatar direct from your computer. What is 'my profile' ? You can change many features of the forum software in relation to your interest: Profile data. Some information about your interest (optional) Change password. Settings. Request the newsletter or cancel. Signature. A personal signature at the end of your messages. Avatar. A small photo of you. Send email. Send email to other forum users. Delete account. Why a guest book function? There is a little and simple guestbook function valid. You can send a message to the guestbook of another user, but it is not realy private. All other users can read it. When you click on the username of any user a window opens and you can send your message. Are emails via the forum software safe for me? You can send private email-messages to the email account of other users and can receive such messages. No other users can read these emails in the forum. And important: Your personal email is safe. The email comes with the email address of the forum admistrator to the receiver. But only when you are interested in sending of your email address, fill in in the message your email address. You cannot find your message again? '*' Symbol left before the header of a message (thread) means this is a message transfered by the administrator by hand from my old forum to this new forum. Instead '*' you will find in some cases 'Übertragen' (transfered) or 'Aus dem alten Forum'. By hand means all messages of a thread are combined to a new thread. The author seems to be the admin, but not really. Please beginn your message or inquiry with an address (like "Hello" or "Good morning" and so on) and close with a greeting (like "regards Rainer" and so on). So the communication is more personal. Do not forget please. You will find as a part of this forum a huge price guide for collectors of old-time radio sets, portables, floor consoles, tape recorders, car radios, speakers and so on. It is related to German and European sets. This online list is charge free for registered users of this forum. More details on the start page of the WGF-Price Guide.
of the system messages:
Symbols on the startpage and in sub forums:
Symbols during the fill in procedure (new theme oder edit a theme or reply to a theme):
Here you find a radio related dictionary German English / English German Last update: 11/02/2010 |